Registration Term's & Condition's
1. Fees
- The signatories/signatory acknowledge/s that they/he/she will be jointly responsible and severally liable to Unigrad Pty Ltd (hereafter referred to as Unigrad) for the contract amount, subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in this contract and that their/his/her financial obligations will be met upon payment of this contract on the due date(s).
- By signing these terms and conditions the signatory/ies is/are committing to making payment of the full contract amount referred to on page 1 of this contract, under the heading “payment details”.
- The registration fee is not refundable under any circumstances whatsoever, unless a programme is cancelled by Unigrad.
- The registration fee does not cover any part of the cost of any programme. Under no circumstances will a student be allowed to attend class nor will study material be issued unless the full deposit or cash amount has been paid. The student will not be allowed to attend lectures if the account is in arrears.
- The non-refundable registration fee is payable by all students on the day of registration. The deposit or full course amount is payable prior to the start of a course. No student will be allowed to attend class or receive any study material unless the first deposit is paid.
- All approved student loans must be paid to Unigrad before studies commence.
- Eco-Training fees must be paid directly to Eco-Training. Details will be provided.
- All fees denoted in a foreign currency will be subject to the ruling exchange rate at date of payment.
- Foreign students are required to pay full fees prior to commencement of their studies.
- Unigrad reserves the right to withhold examination results, qualifications and access to the campus until outstanding accounts are settled by the signatory/ies.
- Unigrad reserves the right to make reasonable price adjustments without prior notice.
- Students who select payment option B must pay their monthly installments on or before the end of the month unless otherwise approved by management (this must be done in writing)
- If a debit order payment is arranged and it is not paid as arranged, an admin fee of R150 will be charged per unpaid debit order.
- Students with accounts in arrears will not have access to the student portal. Accounts in arrears that are brought up-to-date may have a 7-day waiting period before the student portal is reactivated.
2. Programme Cancellation
- A student may cancel his/her registration for a programme & be exonerated from liability for the Unigrad tuition fee (excluding the registration fee), provided that Unigrad is informed in writing by no later than one day prior to the date on which the programme was scheduled to begin.
- Should an applicant wish to cancel his/her registration subsequent to the start of lectures, he/she will remain liable for fees as calculated in terms of the Cancellation Policy for part-time and full-time courses (excluding 1 – 2 week full-time or corporate training).
Fees payable if a student cancels (starting dates refers to the course starting date and not the student enrolment date):- One day or longer before the start of classes: Registration fee and any cost incurred by the college such as textbook(s) / external institute fees
- Within the first week of class (including the 1st day): Registration fee and deposit or 30% cancelation fee of the contracted total, whichever is greater,
plus the cost of any course material issued and external institute fees where applicable - During week 2 or 3 of classes: Registration fee and 50% of the total contracted fee plus the cost of any course material issued and external institute fees where applicable
- During week 4 and after of class starting date: Registration fee and 100% of the total contracted fee
- Online courses, corporate training courses / workshops of 5 days or less in duration and full-time courses of 2 weeks or less in duration
Fees payable if a student cancels:- 1- 5 working days before the start of classes: Registration fee (if applicable) and 100% of the total contracted fee
- 6 days or longer before the start of classes : Registration fee (if applicable) and 30% of the contracted fee
- Unigrad reserves the right to postpone or cancel a programme due to lack of demand. In the event of cancellation, as opposed to postponement, all fees paid will be refunded.
- If a student has been expelled following due process the signatory/ies will be held liable for all outstanding fees.
- 2.5 A student postponing his/her studies / programme is liable to pay his/her fees as per the original contract, plus the postponement fee of that year. Re-commencement of a postponed programme must take place within 12 months of the original starting date. The official postponement application form must be completed by the student and submitted to Unigrad for approval. Unigrad cannot guarantee that the postponed course will be available continuously.
3. Legal Declaration of Indemnity
- Unigrad or any of its representatives shall not be liable for any loss or damage, howsoever sustained, whilst the student is enrolled at Unigrad. The signatories/signatory hereby indemnify/ies Unigrad against all and any claims made by any person whatsoever in respect of damage arising out of any grossly negligent or intentional acts or omissions by the student.
- The signatories/signatory accept/s liability for damage to or loss of Unigrad’s property, injury to or death of any student, or loss or damage to personal effects and possessions, as a result of actions of the student whilst the student is on campus and they/he/she hereby indemnifies Unigrad accordingly.
- All signatories to this contract consent to the student participating in Unigrad activities, whether conducted off or on campus which include but are not limited to social and sporting activities, excursions, industry visits, tours and games.
- The signatories/ signatory accept(s) that such activities shall be undertaken at the student’s own risk and therefore undertake, on behalf of themselves, their spouses, executors, sponsors and the students to indemnify, hold harmless and absolve Unigrad, its representatives, employees and associated companies, acting in such capacity, against all and any claims whatsoever which may arise in connection with any loss, damage or injury to the person or property of the student in the course of such activities.
- The Signatories/signatory confirm(s) that should a student be injured whilst participating in any activity, an employee or representative of Unigrad is hereby authorized to attend to such injury and act with the same authority as the parent (in loco parentis) where the student is a minor and to consent to any medical treatment on behalf of the student should consent be required for medical reasons on an urgent basis and should it not be possible to reach the emergency contact listed in this contract.
- Each person accepting this contract promises and agrees to be held jointly and severally liable for the contracted amount.
- The signatories/signatory choose(s) their/his/her physical addresses for the purpose of service of any court processes, summons and notice, should legal action flow from this agreement.
- The signatories/signatory undertake to pay legal collection costs on an attorney and client scale, including collection commission and tracing fees, should Unigrad institute action for recovery of any arrear amounts.
- This is the full agreement between the parties, and no indulgence granted by Unigrad will be deemed to be a waiver of any rights of Unigrad or operate as an estoppel.
- No variation or consensual cancellation of this agreement will have any force or effect unless reduced to writing & signed by both parties.
4. General
- The signatories/signatory warrant/s that the information submitted in this registration contract was done truthfully and correctly.
- Unigrad may at its sole discretion, cancel tuition in any programme or subject/module advertised and/or currently on offer, on an insufficient demand basis.
- Unigrad and its provider agents such as, but not limited to the ICB, DHET / QCTO, reserve the right to cancel/amend/update the programme syllabi, certification, commencement and termination dates as well as timetables without prior notice, which discretion shall be exercised reasonably, to accommodate changing circumstances.
- The signatories/signatory acknowledge/s that they/he/she is/are aware of who the conferring/certifying body/company/institute is for the programme of study for which the student registers as well as the title of the programme and the accreditation and registration status of the programme.
- Signatory/signatories hereby confirm that the student will adhere to Unigrad and conferring/certifying body/company/institute rules and regulations and student code of conduct. A summary of Unigrad rules and regulations is on display on campus and the full document is available from the academic manager for further study. Should students wish to study the comprehensive rules and regulations document, they have 14 days from the starting date of classes to request a copy of this document.
- In the event of an act of God, war, insurrection, industrial or student unrest, natural disasters or other events that may cause the temporary suspension of tuition/classes/lectures/practicals, Unigrad shall use its best endeavours to resume such as soon as is practically possible, however, no guarantees can be made in this regard.
- The student agrees to Unigrad, at its discretion, making student information available such as but not limited to results and performance reports to the sponsor/legal guardian/bursar or the major fee contributor, where there is a breach of rules and regulations by the student, or any other matter concerning the well-being, conduct, performance and progress of the student.
- In the event of load shedding taking place and lectures being suspended, additional lecture hours will be arranged to make up lost hours.
- The following time limits apply for the completion of courses/programmes (note that postponement fees and additional charges apply):
- 4 years for a 3 year full- time or part-time programme
- 3 years for a 2 year full-time or part-time programme
- 2 years for a 1 year full-time or part-time programme
- Credits for any N4 – N6 level are valid for two years only per level OR until the QCTO or DHET changes their policy
- A short learning or skills programme must be completed within one year of the commencement date for part-time students
Should students postpone the completion of their course beyond the timeframe allowed, they will be eligible for repayment of the full course fee. Postponement within the time frame requires the payment of a standard postponement fee, details of which are available from the accounts department.
I/We the undersigned have read and understood the entire contents recorded on pages 1, 2, 3 and 4, of this document. I/We hereby declare that all the information given by the signatory/ies is true and valid. I/We agree that we are bound by these terms and conditions.
- Short Learning Programme (SLP): The modern business world demands a vast variety of skills and abilities. Unigrad offers an extensive range of short learning programmes particularly designed to address these demands by enhancing the quality of skills and knowledge available to the workplace. These short learning programmes are typically aimed at working adults, or those seeking employment and whilst they are not full qualifications, such as those appearing on the NQF and registered with SAQA, their benefit lies in their rapid and significant improvement to skill and knowledge levels of the student. This makes short learning programmes ideal for people who need to upgrade their CV’s, but do not have the time or finances to engage in a lengthy course of study. SLP’s are not credit bearing.
- Signature of this contract by the student, student’s parent, guardian or sponsor confirms full responsibility for awareness of the type of course and/or programme enrolled for, as represented in the official fact sheet. The signatory hereby indemnifies Unigrad against any claim regarding the type of course enrolled for.
- The signatories also give Unigrad permission and unconditional consent to use any image of the student in any of its marketing and promotional material, including but not limited to social media, website, print media, audio and other means of promotion on campus or externally.
- The signatories also allows Unigrad to use for marketing purposes work produced by the student during the course.
- The Signatories give permission to Unigrad to send promotional and marketing material to the student from time to time. The student may, however, opt out by using the appropriate functions, or by informing the college in writing.
- The signatories hereby give Unigrad permission to send communication and information to you regarding college matters using electronic means such as text messages, emails or other means / channels deemed appropriate.
- By accepting this contract the signatories give permission to Unigrad to gather, use, store and release (as may be necessary) the student’s personal information needed in connection with the course.
The student and sponsor confirm that I/we have read and understood the terms, conditions and contents of this document, the student code of conduct, cancellation and postponement policies and the fact, nature and effect of all the clauses/provisions were understood by me/us as well as the fact that some of these clauses / provisions contain terms that may affect me/us now or in the future. In addition I acknowledge that I / we have read and understand the information stated in the course factsheet and fully comprehend all the specifics explained therein.